Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I'm in love with a.....my Hubby?!?!

So, I think I love my husband. No, I really think I do! I often get caught up with the stress and intensity of life that I forget this. I admit, I sometimes forget why I fell in love with my husband. No matter what time of the day, how tense I feel, or how angry I get, I have always known that I loved my husband. But, I have often forgotten why.

My hubby is special. He is not the ordinary human being. He is different, difficult, and stubborn; and he makes no apologies about it. I love this about him. These characteristic of his can often times come off rude and odd. Although, these characteristics have its downsides, they also have their benefits. I hate fake people and people who put up a front.

Dr. Gary Chapman, the author of The Five Love Languages, states that there are five love languages: (1) Words of Affirmation; (2) Quality Time; (3) Receiving Gifts; (4) Acts of Service; and (5) Physical Touch.

My hubby loyal and protective. He is an awesome father and husband. I am learning how to speak his love language. The more I learn about him, the more I understand why my love language is physical touch and words of affirmation and his is acts of service and receiving gifts.

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