Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Do You Believe in Magic?

And, I hope you do. You will always have a friend wearing big red shoes. Hmm...this Mickey doesn't have red shoes. So, either I have the song wrong (I always mess up lyrics to songs) or this Mickey (and the rest of them on the internet) decided to have a wardrobe change. Anywho, you get the point.

The Orlando Magic are playing tonight. I usually do not get excited about sports until the very end, too boring to follow the whole season for nothing. But, I am super excited about the game tonight. I have to support my hometown...O-Town represent.

1 comment:

Pretty Primadonna said...

Cute. I can see you and the rest of you "O" people throwing up your little silly sign and yelling "O-Town, REPRESENT!" I do hope the Magic win the series, though. :-)